Truself Bodywork Series

Are Hidden, Unhelpful Habits Keeping You From Showing Up At Your Best?

They may make you feel:

  • Too tired to do anything after work
  • Tense or achy when waking up
  • Controlled by overwhelming emotions
  • Unmotivated to work for hours (or entire days)
  • Frustrated with your inability to achieve your goals

Enhance Your Career And Your Life With BodyWork

Just imagine being in control of your emotions, focusing your distracted mind with ease, and feeling physically on top of the world, day in and day out. Since 2019, the Bodywork Introduction has helped over 100 professionals gain the awareness and skill to bring their best to life, day after day.

Bodywork Introduction is a fun and insightful way to learn about your own psychology. I learnt how to deal with stress better through the exercises. My cravings for unhealthy food decreased dramatically. I can read people’s emotions better and make better decisions by seeing things for what they are.

Unlock the best that your body, mind, and spirit can deliver

The BodyWork Introduction equips you to understand and optimize how you use your physical body, apply your intellect, and control your emotions. Recognize how your body, mind and spirit tend to work against each other, so you can stop sabotaging yourself, and consistently perform at your best.

This practical, interactive course includes two parts:

1)   2.5 day online weekend course – Your introduction to BodyWork includes games and activities, real-life examples, and feedback.

2)  60 day self-guided practicum – Weekly online class sessions set the stage for your daily Bodywork practice. Share your experience with others in the private Facebook group.

What students love most about BodyWork Introduction

Surprising insights

The weekend course will open your eyes! You’ll be surprised by how you actually use your body, mind and emotions now, and how they can serve you better.

Learning from others

During the weekend course and the practicum, stories from instructors and fellow students will add perspective to what you’re learning about yourself.

Real life application

From Day 1, you’ll put what you’re learning to work in the real world. Solve problems faster, rebound from low points quicker, and consistently be at your best!
It’s been quite a journey with highs and lows. I’m grateful for the structure and the discipline this program instils in me as I slowly pick up the various segments to grow in my own path. I have a more positive outlook of life and am more relaxed physically and mentally.
My work and personal life intentions and wishes for the course have been realised! BodyWork Introduction changed some of my old habits that I had difficulty changing at a fundamental and deep level. The most obvious changes are more clarity in terms of thinking, more stability in emotions, more positive emotions like gratitude and appreciation, more efficiency in completing tasks.

How it works

Attend the course

At the online weekend course, learn how your body, mind and emotions currently work with and against one another

Practice daily

Online BodyWork exercises and group mentoring sessions will help you build better habits day by day

Perform at your best

Find out what you’ve been missing! Enhance your work and your life for good by showing up every day as your best self.
I have always antagonised my Physical body. In the past 2 days, realised my Physical body serving me very very well, capable of a lot more. Big lesson is not to judge any of the bodies with limits of other bodies.

Frequently asked questions

  • Who should take this course? If you’re new to Live Your Mark, BodyWork Introduction is a great place to start. It’s also a great follow-up to our flagship TCC course.
  • Why should I take this course? You can enhance your work and bring more energy to your life by learning to use your physical body, intellect and emotions in optimal ways that you never learned as a child.
  • When is the course offered? The weekend course is offered online only twice a year. See the schedule here, and save the date!
  • Do I have to interact with others in the course? Participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable. You will learn a lot from your fellow students’ experiences throughout the course weekend and 60 day practicum.
I became aware of my own thought processes, how my emotions take precedence over many reactions. It has never been conceptualised and broken down like this before. This made me realise an efficient way to use my energy.

Waiting for the next weekend course? Start enhancing your life now!
8 minutes to start every day off right

Download and master the first exercise from the BodyWork Introduction practicum course now. Don’t wait to start practicing the art of controlling and relaxing your body, mind and emotions.

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