How Self-Reflection and Embracing Our Flaws Can Change Our Lives


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How Self-Reflection and Embracing Our Flaws Can Change Our Lives

Self-Reflection and Self-Awareness with Life Coaching

It is a Friday night and your friend asks you to go along with them to meet their other friends. You’ve never met them before and why would you want to spend your night making small talk? Why catch up with your friend in-person when you can do the same over a Whatsapp?

Find yourself making these similar excuses?

This is the story of Steve Ong.

Steve, was a guy just like that. A conversation is just about pleasing the other person and telling them what they wanted to hear. Yes, telling them. No connection, no exchange of ideas, just passively talking to people. To Steve, this was not wrong. How can it be when he wasn’t actually doing anything wrong?

This problem was manageable until he almost lost $6 million dollars for the company he worked for. His inability to make a connection with his client, to reach out to them and understand their concerns was what almost cost him his job. It was then that he realised that his inability in making a connection with others was rooted in his confidence level.

Find Courage with Life Coaching

To gain confidence, one has to confront the fear that’s holding them back. A lot of times, courage goes hand in hand with confidence and fear. Courage is about overcoming an obstacle which you thought it wasn’t possible. The result: courage in overcoming the fear and gaining confidence.

For Steve, going through the program helped him to do just that. He and his coach worked on his challenge in relating to others and built his confidence. It was a process and Steve’s efforts showed! His opinions were respected and his performance at work skyrocketed – he was getting noticed by his boss and was offered a promotion.

As for his personal life, his relationship with friends and family got better. He not only found a way to make a connection with people, but he learned new ways to express himself. Steve was a person who did not have major flaws. Through The Courage to Create, he freed himself from his limits and got out of his comfort zone.

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