Shuying Ke

Author name: Shuying Ke

3 questions to answer for an authentic and successful life: Part 2 – Why am I here?

Values Work is about getting in touch with your truth, with what lies at your core. At a simple level, it is about a person’s values and what resonates with a person deeply. On another level, it is about the gifts that a person has. At the core of Values Work is a person’s purpose; the why of a person’s life and the reason for a one’s birth.

3 questions to answer for an authentic and successful life: Part 2 – Why am I here? Read More »

3 questions to answer for an authentic and successful life: Part 1 – Who am I?

To live an authentic and successful life, we must answer 3 questions: 1. Who am I? (Freedom) 2. Why am I here? (Truth) 3. How can I be successful? (Creation). The questions are by no means trivial, and the answers by no means obvious. We can begin to uncover deeper and truer answers for ourselves through the 3 main forms of work we do…

3 questions to answer for an authentic and successful life: Part 1 – Who am I? Read More »

Finding the freedom to express myself changed my relationships: Su-Ann Phillips

Welcome to the first in our series of personal success stories, where community members share their journeys of personal growth and life transformation, catalyzed by coaching. Read stories of people just like you and me, who have overcome struggles and gained confidence to live the lives they truly want.

Finding the freedom to express myself changed my relationships: Su-Ann Phillips Read More »

How To Do What You Love

If you Google the phrase, “do what you love”, you would get a million hits. The views are split down the middle, into two camps – (1) the staunch believers who say, YES ABSOLUTELY DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND NEVER SETTLE (this includes technopreneur Steve Jobs and philosopher Alan Watts), and (2) the pragmatists who say ‘do what you love’ is fluffy advice – bite the bullet and go work hard at something until you’re good enough to be passionate about it.

How To Do What You Love Read More »