Helena Zhang

Author name: Helena Zhang

If this is your last day to live, what would you do?

If this was your last day to live, would you honestly go to work and spend 8 hours doing what you do for a living?

Whom would you want to be with, if you had a choice? For many, death, last-days to live are taboo, dreadful subjects to be avoided. But if there is something about this question that makes you examine what is it that you do in your waking moments that makes them all worthwhile…

If this is your last day to live, what would you do? Read More »

Why am I still tired after sleeping for 12 hours?

When we speak of well-beingness, we often speak of having enough energy to do all the things we want to do. A common misconception people have is that they need to sleep a certain number of hours in order to be energized.

And this number of hours can range from 4 to 12. While it is true that we do need to rest our physical bodies, when is too much sleep too much?

Why am I still tired after sleeping for 12 hours? Read More »